
Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

UX Without User Research Is Not UX

Summary: UX teams are responsible for creating desirable experiences for users. Yet many organizations fail to include users in the development process. Without customer input, organizations risk creating interfaces that fail. A website’s (or product’s) success depends on how users perceive it. Users assess the usefulness and ease of use of websites as they interact with

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

The What, Why and How of User Personas

One of the few proven ways to be successful in any business is to understand your customer’s needs and deliver quality products or services that satisfy those needs in the best way possible. Yes, it does sound too bookish but the truth is knowing your end user is the kernel of a customer-oriented business model.

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Serious Games, Simulations, Usability

Crossing the UI Rift with Oculus

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Virtual reality opens the doors to a new era for user interface design. Oculus VR speaks to Develop about its opportunities Virtual reality doesn’t present user interface design with its first opportunity for transformation. The dawn of 3D long ago afforded games makers the prospect of moving beyond flat heads-up-displays and conventional menus. And when

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Gaming, HCI, Usability

Xbox One and PS4 Are Filled with Missed Opportunities

Before we knew anything about the PS4 and Xbox One, our imaginations ran wild. When they were just ideas, the next-gen consoles held unlimited possibilities for every gamer. Of course, all of those hopes came crashing down when the infinite possibilities collapsed down into two actual real-life products. The PS4 won’t be shipping with a

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

What’s Wrong With the RITE Method?


A critique of a common method used in video game usability research Many video game usability practitioners employ a method to test usability within video games, called the ‘RITE’ method, short for Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE). Pioneered at Microsoft Games Studios and Microsoft Research, the RITE method has been adopted by many usability

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