Game Development

Development, Education, Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

Games User Research: Driving Development with Actionable Insights

Developers both large and small can benefit from an outside perspective given by a game user research, or usability research geared towards games. Indie developers can benefit from adding UX expertise to the development team, while large developers can obtain an outside perspective to compliment and verify findings from internal members of the development team.

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Gaming, Psychology, Usability, Web Design

What Do Your Customers Think of Your Product?

In order to improve the user experience, you have to start by observing customers interacting with your product. The first step to improving your own UX (and reaping the business benefits) is to conduct a usability assessment of your product, software or website. This process uncovers the most common problems. Often, usage analytics indicate UX issues

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Gaming, HCI, Usability

Games User Research: What’s Different?

Summary: Game testing researches the notion of fun. Compared with mainstream UX studies, it involves many more users and relies more on biometrics and custom software. The most striking findings from the Games User Research Summit were the drastic age and gender differences in motivation research.

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

UX Without User Research Is Not UX

Summary: UX teams are responsible for creating desirable experiences for users. Yet many organizations fail to include users in the development process. Without customer input, organizations risk creating interfaces that fail. A website’s (or product’s) success depends on how users perceive it. Users assess the usefulness and ease of use of websites as they interact with

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

The What, Why and How of User Personas

One of the few proven ways to be successful in any business is to understand your customer’s needs and deliver quality products or services that satisfy those needs in the best way possible. Yes, it does sound too bookish but the truth is knowing your end user is the kernel of a customer-oriented business model.

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