
HCI, Psychology, Usability

The Extra Effort for Great UX

One of the best books I’ve ever read on User Experiences is titled “The Elements of User Experience” written by Jesse James Garrett. In the book, he begins by telling the story of a man who wakes up and wonders why his alarm clock never went off. He goes to make coffee, but struggles with

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Development, HCI, Usability

Good UX Is Good Business: How To Reap Its Benefits

User experience (UX) design focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving how we interact with the websites, applications and devices in our lives. In other words, UX makes complex things easy to use. While the term “UX” is relatively new, the concept of user-friendly design has been around for generations. “Good design is good business,” the

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Usability

The What, Why and How of User Personas

One of the few proven ways to be successful in any business is to understand your customer’s needs and deliver quality products or services that satisfy those needs in the best way possible. Yes, it does sound too bookish but the truth is knowing your end user is the kernel of a customer-oriented business model.

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Serious Games

This Video Game Knows When You’re Scared–And Gets Scarier

The director behind the innovative video game Nevermind tells us why biofeedback is the new frontier in gaming. In the future, horror games will know when you’re scared. And then they’ll get scarier. Proof: the currently-in-development horror-adventure game Nevermind, which just launched a Kickstarter campaign last week. The game pairs classic first-person exploration with biofeedback

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Gaming, HCI, Psychology, Serious Games, Simulations, Usability

Crossing the UI Rift with Oculus

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Virtual reality opens the doors to a new era for user interface design. Oculus VR speaks to Develop about its opportunities Virtual reality doesn’t present user interface design with its first opportunity for transformation. The dawn of 3D long ago afforded games makers the prospect of moving beyond flat heads-up-displays and conventional menus. And when

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